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推薦展會  EVENT  2018 年中國(泉州)國際食品及加工機械展
日       期  DATE  2018.07.20 ~ 07.22

展位編號 合作夥伴 展出內容
Booth Number Our Partner Exhibits
B47 + B48  美國食品擠出科技國際公司 
 American Extrusion International
Various types of single screw and twin-screw extrusion systems, with or without center fillings, various kinds of forming cutters to make sealed or open ends products with filling.
B47 + B48  荷蘭巧克力研磨科技
 Caotech B.V.
High efficiency batch and continuous grinding and refine systems for cocoa, chocolate and compound, for confectionery, ice-cream and bakery industries. Capacity ranges from batch size of 5 kg up to continuous plant of 5000 kg/hr. Batch and continuous conching systems of DRY and/or WET grinding process for chocolate and compound.
B47 + B48  法國多膜靈公司 
產量 3 噸。不換鍋連續製程,完成包括:巧克力塗衣、拋光、上蠟,殘流巧克力回收。
IDA 750 - 新機種,批次產量 750 公斤。經重新設計之傳統機型,但仍體現多膜靈公司多年積累的豐富包漿包衣經驗及技術,價位卻極誘人。
邏輯 C - 我們已成名的 250 公斤小批量包漿包衣機。將巧克力包漿衣、拋光、上蠟等多個工藝揉合進一個全自動製程中。
IDA 3002CV - The biggest and fastest chocolate coating and varnishing in one machine on the market, 3 tons capacity per batch within 2~3 hours.
IDA750 Classic - New in the range, simple and inspired from the past, a 750 kg sugar coating machine for a very sweet price.
LogiC - Our now famous 250 kg capacity machine, chocolate coating, polishing and varnishing in a fully automatic process.
Machine models for other capacities available on request.
B47 + B48  澳洲捷徑機械有限公司  Fast Track Engineering Pty. Ltd.  積累在粉模成型領域40年以上的經驗,專業設計及製造高速凝膠軟糖粉模成型系統、夾心澆注、烘房技術、噴油、撒糖、及週邊配套。將傳統粉模成型技術提升到21世紀最高的境界。
Over 40 years of experience in design and supply of High Performance Starch Moulding Systems for 35 tray/min. including all related apparatus and technologies covering center filling, drying, oiling, sugar sanding, continuous drying room etc.
B47 + B48  瑞士科諾博公司
 Knobel Confiseriemaschinen AG  精緻巧克力成型工藝及設備的創新及領導者。主要體現在三方面的超人氣工藝及實力:高速點花、夾心、及冷塑製壳成型。另提供三維巧克力澆注機、大顆粒型果仁澆注機、專賣店專用小型澆注機、多功能震動台、冷塑製壳系統、多功能無軸承磁浮線性伺服機械臂脫模系統、及多種週邊配套設備等。
Leader in engineering and supply of fine chocolate moulding plants including high speed 3-D decoration, One-Shot and Cold Press technologies etc. Also supplies 3-D chocolate depositors, Nut-Depositors, Artisan Depositor Omega Series, multi-function vibration tables, Hi-Flex robotic system based on leaner-servo principal.


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